“Mid-Mo is Open” is a FREE public service of Cumulus Media Mid-Missouri.
We'd Like To Tell Our Audiences What's Happening
At Your Business And Help You Find Employees
“Mid-Mo is Open” is a FREE public service of Cumulus Media Mid-Missouri.
We'd Like To Tell Our Audiences What's Happening
At Your Business And Help You Find Employees
Let us know what's happening at your business. Please fill out the "We Are Open" form below. Once verified, we’ll spread the word with radio messages - including mentions of your business - on the 7 Cumulus Columbia/Jefferson City radio stations.
Are you in need of additional employees? Let us help you spread the word. Please fill out the "We Are Hiring" form below. Once verified, we’ll spread the word with radio messages - including mentions of your business - on the 7 Cumulus Columbia/Jefferson City radio stations.
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